Registration Information
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Registration Information

Published by BHPSA Webmaster
Jul 16, 2022

The Registration fees for 2022, including Fundraiser Fee or buyout:

T-Ball* $75
Coach Pitch* $125
Coach/Kid Pitch $250 or $300
8/9 (AA) $325 or $375
Minors $350 or $400
Majors $350 or $400
Intermediate $350 or $400
Juniors $375 or $425
Seniors* $350
Challengers* $95
Senior Challengers* $100


Coach/Kid through Juniors have two options:

1) Pay a $150 fundraiser fee as a part of your registration, and be reimbursed through the fundraising items you sell.  If you choose to participate in the fundraiser, you will receive fifteen $10 Raffle tickets.  The Raffle will take place at the Wood Bat Blast (on Picture Day).  Tickets can be picked up at Evaluations or from your Coach (please check the calendar for times and locations).  

2) Pay $100 to buy out of the fundraiser, and you will not be required to sell raffle tickets.  

Does not participate in the Fundraiser