Evaluation Schedule (Intermediate, Majors, Minors, 8/9)
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Evaluation Schedule (Intermediate, Majors, Minors, 8/9)

Published by BHPSA Webmaster
Apr 13, 2022


Welcome to the 2022 Baseball Season.   

Evaluations are scheduled for Saturday April 9th at Koehler Fields.  During check in we will get getting your child's jersey size and number requests.  Your child will need their glove and bat (if they have one).  Depending on the field conditions we will be on the field (cleats preferred) or in the parking lot (gym shoes).  During Evaluations your child will field ground balls, fly balls, hit some, and pitch a little.  It is low stress, just do their best.  Coaches will be watching, but no feedback will be given.  Your child will just play a little baseball.  After the last drill you are free to go.

After Evaluations are complete there will be a draft (closed to the public, only coaches can attend).  Unless something unforeseen happens you will know your team by the end of the day.  (Siblings are automatically on the same team)


A couple of notes on Evaluations.  First, these are evaluations not tryouts.  Everyone will be placed on a team and will play this season.  For any player who misses evaluations, you child will not be included in the draft and will be randomly assigned to a team (no requests accepted at draft levels).  We urge everyone to attend evaluations.  It helps create more balanced teams and is a great experience for your child.


All Evaluations will be on April 9th, there is no make up day.


Below is a link to the schedule.


Evaluation Schedule Link